Submission, Evaluation and Publication Methods

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Soumission, évaluation et modes de publication
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« Submission, Evaluation and Publication Methods », Aleph [على الإنترنت], نشر في الإنترنت 20 février 2022, تاريخ الاطلاع 16 février 2025. URL :

Aleph. Langues, Media et Sociétés publishes contributions covering the whole field of research listed in the editorial policy section. It welcomes various types of contributions: scientific articles, interviews, tributes, book reviews, reports on exhibitions or scientific events.

Proposals for a thematic dossier or a conference report to be published in a special issue should be sent to Jamel Zenati: or directly to the journal:

For other contributions, please follow the procedure described below.

For the format, please refer to the section on style sheets and typographic guidelines.

The journal accepts only unpublished manuscripts not submitted to other journals.

  • The editorial of each issue of Aleph will not exceed 20,000 characters (including footnotes, bibliography and spaces).

  • The articles in the body of the issue shall not exceed 45,000 characters (including notes, bibliography and spaces).

  • Articles for the “Chronicles” section should be between 10,000 and 15,000 characters (including footnotes, bibliography and spaces).

  • Reviews and book reports should not exceed 6,000 characters.

All articles submitted to the journal must be unpublished. It has not been previously published either in print or on the internet, in any language and is not submitted simultaneously to other journals. The author agrees to allow the journal to publish the article online. If a translation of the article is necessary, it will be done after acceptance of the article in the journal and in relation to the journal.

Submission Procedure

Article proposals must be submitted in WORD (.doc) format in the space reserved for the journal on the Algerian Scientific Journal platform (ASJP).

The author is invited to click on the tab “Article submission”.

  • If the author already has an account and a password, he/she will have to click on the "Login" tab after filling in the two fields in the dialogue box.

  • If the author is not registered, he/she must create an account by clicking on the "Register" tab.

Selection of articles

Upon receipt of a contribution, the Editorial Board makes an initial assessment of it from the point of view of typographic conventions.

Articles that do not have an integrated style sheet and that do not meet the formal criteria of a scientific publication as defined in the journal's typographic charter are rejected. Authors will be asked to bring the article into conformity with the journal's graphic charter and to submit it a second time.

In case the article is accepted (prepared according to the journal's template), it will be sent anonymously to the Associate Specialty Editor, who will in turn submit it anonymously to two experts on his network. The experts will be responsible for evaluating the article according to a standardised evaluation form available on the ASJP platform.

The final decision on acceptance or rejection is made by the Scientific Committee.

Evaluation of submitted articles

Evaluation method

The editorial committee of each issue carries out an initial evaluation (blind) and sends to the experts only those articles which respect the ethical and typographical charter of the journal and to which a style sheet is attached so that their processing is automatic.

If the article does not meet the formal and ethical requirements of a scientific article as set out in the style sheet and typographical charter section, an email is sent to the author asking him/her to bring the article into line.

Once this step is completed, the article will be sent anonymously to the Associate Specialty Editor, who will in turn submit it anonymously to two experts on his network. The experts will be responsible for evaluating the article according to a standardised evaluation form available on the ASJP platform.

The journal Aleph. Languages, Media & Societies subscribes to the principle of double-blind peer review of articles submitted to it. To avoid any risk of complacency and to relieve the editorial boards of their task, the president of the journal's board is responsible for steering the evaluation of all articles.

According to this principle, all articles submitted to the journal must go through this process. It consists of submitting the received version of an article, deemed acceptable by the editorial board, for review by at least two credible individuals who are familiar with the topic or approach proposed by the article in question, who may or may not be members of the journal's scientific committee, and who may (or may not) ask the authors to make changes before publication. Reviewers must use the review form integrated in our space on the ASJP (Algerian Scientific Journal Platform) and which is automatically transmitted to them.

The Scientific Committee of the journal ensures that the procedure does not lead to the rejection of innovative articles using criteria that do not relate to the precise content Review Period for Articles

Evaluation period

A 60-day review period is required, but experts take an average of three months to send the results of their review to the journal secretariat.

Article Evaluation Status

When the preliminary article receives one favourable and one unfavourable opinion, a third evaluation is requested from another national or international expert.

Further position of the article on the Platform

The author can enter his account in the platform and the progress of the evaluation stages of his article by clicking successively on “Articles” and then pressing on the icon: “Articles sent.”

Once the article has been definitively accepted, it appears in the “articles to be published” section. To finalise the submission process, the author must then fill in the bibliographic references on the platform. To do this, he/she must

  • Go to their ASJP account.

  • Accepted articles

  • References

  • Fill in all the references and click on the finish.

The article then appears in the "articles to be published" section. The author can then cite it as an article to be published and use it for administrative purposes.

Publication mode and deadlines

Publication deadlines

Each volume is published as a printed publication. The publication period can sometimes exceed one year after the publication of the call for proposals, taking into account the number of proposals received and the time needed for their review by the editorial board.

Once accepted, the articles are put online in Open Access on the journal's website.


Once definitively accepted, the article is published on the journal's website.

Three months after its release, the issue of the journal is uploaded in the space reserved for the journal on the Algerian Scientific Journal Plateform ASJP where it is archived and from where it can be downloaded in PDF format.

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