Presentation of the journal

Présentation de la revue
تقديم المجلة

« Presentation of the journal », Aleph [], 27 February 2024, 22 October 2024. URL :

Published by EDILE (Edition et Diffusion de l'Écrit scientifique), the journal Aleph. Langues, Médias & sociétés is an interdisciplinary journal at the crossroads of language sciences, text sciences and information and communication sciences. It publishes thematic dossiers, articles in the "Varia" and "Methodology" sections, research notes, book reviews and a bibliography of publications on discourse.

Translated with (free version)Aleph has become quarterly. It publishes four regular issues per year and two special issues dedicated to conference proceedings. Articles undergo peer review by a committee composed of internationally recognized researchers in the thematic area of the dossier.

The articles are evaluated by a reading committee composed of internationally recognised researchers in the field. At least half of the reading committees are made up of researchers from institutions outside Algeria. The selected articles are published in the language in which they are submitted and are accompanied by abstracts with keywords in French, English and Arabic.

The journal, created by the Édile team (Edition et Diffusion de l'Ecrit), is supported by the Scientific Council of Dipralang EA 739, a laboratory of sociolinguistics, anthropology of language practices and didactics of FLE/FLS attached to the University Paul-Valéry Montpellier III and CELAT (Research Centre Cultures - Arts – Societies) - UQAM and UQAC.

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