The Use of AI Applications in Corporate Communication of Algerian Public Institutions: The Directorate-General of Algeria Telecommunication as a case of study

L'usage des applications d'IA dans la communication d'entreprise des Institutions Publiques Algériennes: La Direction Générale des Télécommunications d'Algérie comme cas d'étude

Djamila Ouchene et Karim Belkaci

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Djamila Ouchene et Karim Belkaci, « The Use of AI Applications in Corporate Communication of Algerian Public Institutions: The Directorate-General of Algeria Telecommunication as a case of study », Aleph [En ligne], Vol 9 (4) | 2022, mis en ligne le 26 août 2022, consulté le 09 mars 2025. URL :

This study aims to seek after the using of AI applications in corporate communication by Algerian public institutions such as the Directorate-General of Algerian Telecommunications, which is our case of study. Before applying the empirical study, we have determined the meaning of IA applications and their functions and usefulness in the performance and management of organisations and companies especially in the field of corporate communication. Then we have tried to apply the theoretical aspect in our practical area by focusing on two elements, which are the Previous Knowledge for executive employees about AI, then the impact of AI on corporate communication according to informants. At the end, we reached the result that the adoption of IA applications by Algerian telecom still has a significant delay.

تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى البحث عن استخدام تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي في اتصال الهيئة (المؤسساتي) من قبل المؤسسات العامة الجزائرية مثل المديرية العامة لاتصالات الجزائر، وهي حالة دراستنا. فقبل الدراسة الميدانية، حددنا معنى تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي وأهم وظائفها وفوائدها في أداء وتسيير المنظمات والشركات خاصة في مجال اتصال الهيئة/ المؤسساتي. ثم نحاول تطبيق هذا الجانب النظري في نطاق دراستنا الميدانية من خلال التركيز على عنصرين ألا وهما المعرفة السابقة للموظفين التنفيذيين حول الذكاء الاصطناعي، ثم تأثير الذكاء الاصطناعي على اتصال الهيئة/ المؤسساتي وفقًا للمبحوثين. في النهاية، توصلنا إلى أن اعتماد تطبيقات الذكاء الاصطناعي من قبل شركة الاتصالات الجزائر لا يزال يعرف تأخيرًا ملحوظا.

Cette étude vise à rechercher l'utilisation des applications d'IA dans la communication d'entreprise par les institutions publiques algériennes telles que la Direction générale des télécommunications algériennes, qui est notre cas d'étude. Avant d'appliquer l'étude empirique, nous avons déterminé le sens des applications IA et leurs fonctions et leur utilité dans la performance et la gestion des organisations et des entreprises, en particulier dans le domaine de la communication d'entreprise. Ensuite, nous avons essayé d'appliquer l'aspect théorique dans notre domaine pratique en nous concentrant sur deux éléments, qui sont les connaissances antérieures des cadres sur l'IA, puis l'impact de l'IA sur la communication d'entreprise selon les informateurs. Au final, nous sommes arrivés au résultat que l'adoption des applications IA par les télécoms algériennes accuse encore un retard important.


The vitality of corporate communication is just a matter of common sense within an economic organism, not just internally but also publicly. It can be difficult for many members of the communication team to select the right words and write them at the appropriate time. Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, is the solution for these individuals and all those who operate in the communication industry in the near future.

AI is primed to take over the entire world of business and economics. It will improve communication within any business, no matter how big or small. Don't be afraid, those of you who believe that AI will soon supplant staff. This technology is not intended to take the position of you, but to make your job easier.

Nowadays, all companies and organizations are dealing with AI to improve the performance of each activity, particularly marketing and communication. As a result, public organizations have found themselves confronted with the field of AI in order to secure their position in the market of citizen-users in order to improve its service and offer more opportunities to communicate with its customers directly and regularly via various digital means such as a website, blogs, and social networks.

Algerian public institutions should consider how to improve and enhance their communication activities when dealing with various customers and stakeholders by utilizing AI applications. For example, Algeria Telecommunication is a public institution of the service sector whose mission is to provide citizens and different users with services of general interest in the field of phoning and internet services.

The science of artificial intelligence arose as a result of many thinkers' and researchers' experiences and research. Which aims to provide all of the information that an individual desires of very advanced information and programs that allow the achievement of the best works of all types. The latter is regarded as a significant technological advance. The transition from traditional methods in management organizations of various types of activity to using the latest applications and advanced technologies in order to improve the level of prominence of the corporate identity and distinction, in addition to their positioning and image management.

The science of artificial intelligence emerged as a result of many thinkers' and researchers' experiences and research. Which aims to provide all of the information that an individual desires of very advanced information and programs that allow the achievement of the best works of all types. The latter is thought to be a major technological advance. The transition from traditional methods in management organizations with a variety type of activity to using the latest applications and advanced technologies in order to improve the level of prominence of the corporate identity and distinction, in addition to their positioning and image management: To which level the Directorate-General of Algeria Telecommunication use AI applications in its corporate communication?

1. Artificial intelligence and Corporate Communication, a Theoretical Approach 

The original AI-powered Watson supercomputer that defeated the Jeopardy television game show contestants was roughly the size of a bedroom, with 10 odd rack-like machines forming the four walls. Intelligent machines of today are vastly different. They no longer exist solely in bedroom-sized rooms, but are cloudified and can run up to 100 "instances" of AI services at the same time. The outputs are consumed simultaneously by recipients all over the world via multiple channels — smart assistants, smart phones, smart devices, smart appliances, smart vehicles, smart utilities, smart plants, smart factories, smart buildings, smart homes, and so on. As a result, we live in an age of "always-on" intelligence.

AI's pervasiveness is causing an interesting phenomenon: the more we use it, the smarter it becomes. Everything it learns in one interaction is immediately transferred to the others. AI is not a single, large program. It is a collection of various sets of artificial narrow agents (ANIs), each specialized to perform a specific task and equipped with capabilities such as conversational interface, image recognition, voice recognition, text-to-speech, speech-to-text, logic-deduction, natural language parsing, natural language generation, knowledge base, self-learning, and adaptive engines.

A picture of the AI future is steadily growing. The AI on the horizon appears to be "AI as a service," embedded in everything and nearly invisible. We transformed everything to be powered by electricity a century ago to augment human capabilities; in the years ahead, we will "AI-fy" everything to augment human capabilities and, in some cases, introduce autonomous AI to eliminate human tasks entirely. Thanks to technologies like Cloud, GPU, Big Data, Blockchain, IoT, ML and DL, the process of “AI-fying” will become simpler in the coming days, transforming everything by infusing it with AI. In fact, don’t get surprised if the business plans of the companies going forward are going to take X and add AI. (Soumendra Mohanty 2018: 8)

1.1. The function of AI within an organisation in digital era

Modern organizations place as much value on empowered AI as they do on empowered people. CEOs, for example, must specify when smart algorithms, rather than human associates, will be consulted. This can be challenging. Some of the most important machine learning decisions usually revolve around the level of authority that AI agents should have (Lalić, Stanković, Gračanin, & Milić, 2019). Business leaders who have automated a factory now shudder at the prospect of allowing AI to determine their entire business strategy. Human-AI conflict will result from dual empowerment in the absence of clear delineation of authority and accountability (Buhmann & White, 2022).

Business leaders committed to taking advantage of AI should consider the following four AI-related imperatives: (Soumendra Mohanty, 2018 : 11-12).

  • AI as strategic advisors: AI can effectively play the role of the strategic advisor. The primary deliverables of the AI strategist are to reframe problems, assist in strategy development, and assist in defining the course of action and the execution plans. These algorithms will constantly produce data-driven insights and recommend optimal courses of action. Human intervention and oversight will solely be required to identify which decisions are deferred to the algorithms and how the decisions are implemented.

  • The AI strategist will have a broader view across the systems and business processes and competitive intelligence, which will invariably present major operational challenges, such as inter-process and interpersonal conflicts. Hence, it is all the more important that the output of the AI strategist should be transparent and explainable to all. That way the trust factor will evolve between human and machine.

  • AI as task executioners: The AI strategist has done its job in defining the problem statement and execution plans, and the human associate has validated it and given a go-ahead. What next? You will need algorithms to analyse business processes, create clear task descriptions and goals, and define detailed service-level agreements and key performance indicators. Managers and employees responsible for task execution will now perform higher order tasks — instead of focusing on operationalizing (allocating resources, managing employees, and managing escalations) the project execution, they will spend most of their time reviewing whether the algorithms are offering improved outcomes and innovation. Among the important benefits that algorithms offer are high-level reliability and predictability.

  • AI as a virtual assistant to employees: Even the most talented employees have their limits. Compared to these employees, AI algorithms are geniuses boxed into a task’s scope. Therefore, the question on business leaders’ minds is whether the average manager and employee can effectively work together with intelligent agents.

  • AI as an autonomous organization: Is this possible? Well, if you have done the previous three, then why not? It is already happening with many Wall Street hedge funds. These companies are allowing AI full autonomy in steering the organization to new levels of risk, profitability, and innovation. Executives in these hedge funds have handed over an unimaginable portion of the decision-making process to their algorithms.

The four imperatives of incorporating AI into the enterprise may seem farfetched now, but this process is inevitable. As the capabilities of AI continue to advance, increased oversight will lead to additional insight, and the software will learn continuously and will be viewed as an accountable agent rather than inanimate code. However, CEOs, board members, and senior executives will have a critical role to play — they must closely monitor the algorithms and promote simulations to determine the boundaries of the technology. Furthermore, business leaders should be careful about doing too many AI-led activities too soon, as doing so may create unforeseen implications on responsibility and accountability. They must ensure clarity in deference, delegation, and direction (Lu, Li, , Chen, Kim & Serikawa, 2018).

So, AI is being used successfully by businesses around the world. The perfect storm of big data, cheap storage, faster processors and ubiquitous connectivity has allowed researchers to exploit the near-magic that is machine learning. But AI has managed to escape the lab and is being commercialised by both start-ups and internet giants. Real opportunities exist for executives to use AI’s capabilities to deliver new sources of value into their business as well as to challenge and disrupt their existing business models. In order to do that they need to understand what those capabilities are and how they can be used (Arsénio et al, 2014).

1.2. AI and the improvement of corporate identity of an organisation 

The internet has assisted us to communicate in far faster ways than we ever imagined possible in the last twenty years, but it has no control on its own. The sender creates the content of messages sent via the internet. The sender, not the internet, defines what is good, bad, and ugly (for cinephiles). The same is true for AI; it is neither good nor bad; it simply exists. Every company can benefit from IA in a variety of ways, particularly in the corporate communication element mentioned in the following elements:

  • It can emphasize the human factor in communication: the truth, the experience, and, finally, human freedom, which some people overlook. Artificial intelligence has the potential to give humans their ultimate form.

AI can provide extensive data about what living networks do and do not do, report on insights it receives up to a minute in real-time, and provide trend assessments. All while determining whether you require the information available to you (Siebecker, 2019: 67).

AI is being used virtual and reality applications to deliver news to your public, placing emphasis on those who need it. Any public crowd, large or small, can receive exactly what they want. Conferences are no longer centred on a three-way phone system, but can be experienced virtually as if one were present. It won’t be too long before there is another concept of corporate communication, this so-called identity-based corporate communication will be so precise that it can communicate with each person individually. This may sound frightening at first, we don’t want to give out “all of us” to any or all companies but realizing “all of us” is already out in the open, fine-tuned communication could be an asset to both company and customer.

AI can do so much more for us. Designing templates for messages or brochures that touch the soul of those who read them. A more captivated audience is guaranteed.

There are many companies with an online presence using AI chatbots to serve their customers. Not always to 100 % satisfaction, yet, but AI will learn and get better. You think you’re talking to Anna? Kevin? Or Sylvia perhaps? Think again! You’re chatting with a bot and if that bot doesn’t give you the full answer you need, you send an email to customer services.

There is a new era of communication coming and we can either choose to avoid or embrace it. Those who embrace it are in for an interesting ride with new perspectives around every corner. “Snooze or lose” was a slogan on the internet for a long time, it might apply to AI as well.

The management of corporate identity embraces “(1) the endorsement of consistent behaviour through the diffusion of a company’s mission, values, and goals; (2) the expression and pursuit of brand and image consistency in the organization’s symbols and forms of communication; and (3) the implementation, support, and maintenance of visual systems” (Simões et al. 2005: 153). Using this definition as a basis, three main features of corporate identity management can be derived: the dissemination of mission and values, consistent image implementation, and visual identity implementation. These elements, each of which must be consistently specified and managed, connect to form the triangle of corporate identity management (see Figure 01). (T.C. Melewar, 2002: 69. )

Figure 01: Corporate identity management triangle

Figure 01: Corporate identity management triangle

The domain of the corporate identity management construct is concerned with the controllable aspects of corporate identity. There are dimensions within the company’s control that affect its image. This research is therefore only concerned with dimensions that are featured and moulded by the company especially the visual identity dimension. This latter can be improved by AI, such as using Expert system, software agent, and neural network in the conception of logo and images with suitable attractive colours and signs, that reflect the culture and values of a company.

Visual identity is widely regarded as a key dimension of corporate identity. Physical aspects of the corporation such as logos and company name are essential features of an organization’s identity. These elements form physical symbols and create tangible recognition for the organization (Olins 1991; Melewar and Saunders 1998). Not surprisingly, visual and graphic aspects of identity play an important role in corporate identification, acting as a kind of identity card for the organization. indeed, visual identity implementation ought to be considered in corporate identity management. (T.C. Melewar, 2002: 74).

When managed in a coordinated way, a company’s aesthetics may enhance the appeal of the organization and its offers (Schmitt et al. 1995). Given the business implications of visual identity, it is important to carefully define and operationalize the construct. If a company’s visual identity is to be effectively implemented, clear support for managing the visual elements is required. For example, it is important to conduct visual audits, to actively seek consistency across visual/tangible aspects and to establish specific guidelines for how the company is visually presented. Simões et al. (2005: 163) explain that “[t]his can be regarded as the ‘hard’ aspect of identity (Morison, 1997) and the most practical or action oriented CIM [corporate identity management] dimension.” As the McDonald’s case illustrates, the extent of the visual aspects to be managed can be extremely broad, adding to the challenge of ensuring a consistent company-wide approach. (T.C. Melewar, 2002: 75)

As the general business environment shifts its focus towards enhancing the customer experience, businesses must take a more in-depth approach to their branding strategy. This involves constructing successful customer experiences both online and in person in order to build recognition and reach specific target audiences.

Yet another fantastic way in which artificial intelligence can help brands is by powering the construction of their brand identity. AI gives businesses stakeholders the possibility to get a better understanding of themselves from their perspective and the perspective of their customers. As a result, they can build “smarter” brand identities that enhance the customer experience and speak directly to their target audience.

Here is three ways AI can be used to power brand identity:

  1. Smarter Visual Branding: Although brand identity goes so much deeper than what’s on the surface, visual branding still plays an important role in attracting the right audience.
    AI can help develop “smart” logos, websites, colour palettes, and other graphic design for businesses. For example, some AI technology can create logos based on simple questions and queries about a brand's identity. AI also assists the graphic designer by performing medial tasks and providing useful tips and tools. For example, AI can manage the resizing, cropping, and correcting images while the designer focuses on the creative aspect.

  2. Better Personalization to Drive Action and Satisfaction: On the inside working out, AI can uncover deep insights into customer desire on a group and individual level. This information can be used to personalize their experience. AI can predict future customer behaviour based on their past actions. For example, some AI technology can recommend giving a customer a 15 %, 20 %, or 30 % off their next order based on the likelihood that they will make an additional purchase given the discount.
    On the outside working in, AI can support the customer experience by enabling it to move faster and more efficiently. Chatbots improve the customer service process by handling minor customer questions and concerns, allowing customer service representatives to focus on more difficult requests and questions. Note: If incorrectly designed and implemented, chatbots can actually cause more customer frustration. A lengthy testing period is recommended when implementing a chatbot to ensure its effectiveness (Michaels & Grüning, 2018: 11).

  3. Stronger Company Culture: The core of a company’s culture is reflected in everything they do, including online and in-person employee-customer interactions. AI can help to develop an attractive company culture by enhancing specific processes.
    AI can employ data from different inter-business communication channels and targeted surveys to analyse the current environment that exists. Managers can develop strategies to support their ideal company culture while working within the company culture that already exists. AI can also be used to track their progress towards the targeted objectives.

2. Corporate communication of Algerian public institutions

The evolution of any communication system is always closely linked to that of the political system in place. we can identify six periods, earlier six ways of making institutional communication in Algeria: (Abdelkader Chaabani, 2020)

  1. The first period: from 1962 to 1965: Corporate communication is at the exclusive service of politics; therefore, it is non-existent, the great preoccupation of decision-makers at the time was to start the country, and above all, there was a country stability to create.

  2. The second period: from 1965 to 1969: Corporate communication is at the service of revolutionary readjustment; therefore, it is centralized and concentrated. Its objective was to strengthen the new political power born on June 19, 1965. This corporate communication was much propagandist than informative.

  3. The third period: from 1970 to 1979: Corporate communication is at the service of economic development and of three revolutions (industry, cultural). It is relatively decentralized but still concentrated. And the role of this communication within the country is to seek greater knowledge and mastery of data in one side. Moreover, on the outside, we were looking for a greater understanding of the socialist-led revolution in another side.

  4. The fourth period: from 1980 to 1989: Corporate communication is at the service of any stat; it is very oriented (in appearance) but scattered (in reality). It was the time of the press officers.

  5. The fifth period: from 1990 to 1999: Corporate communication is at the service of external corporate image of country, it is planned, it is the time of the spokespersons and then of the communication units.

  6. The sixth period: from 2000 to 2016: Corporate communication is at the service of growth. This communication was offensive but unorganized. It was the time of “all com”. Inside the country, seeking the adhesion of citizens to a theoretically liberal policy and at the same time changes in economic and social behavior are expected from them. Outside expect a greater participation of states and private partners in the revival of the national economy through direct investment among other things.

  7. The seventh period: from 2017 until now: Rehabilitated by the Head of State, corporate communication continues to punctuate public life. The public authorities play the transparency card by communicating on all issues. There is now no taboo subject. A bet that the country's highest authorities are on the way to winning. From the start of the presidential term, they have been working on the reorganization and modernization of the information and communication sector to enable it to play a pivotal role in building the new Algerian Republic.

In record time, positive and encouraging results have been achieved, placing the sector at the centre of the system of the new governance instituted by the Head of State. This positive progression recorded in a sector, which has been in deep decline and which has been in disrepair in recent years, is in fact only the beginning of a long and tedious process. Communication in all its aspects is set to undergo significant development soon to restore its credentials to a sector that has long been marginalized.

The gains made so far will be strengthened and consolidated. They will certainly be supplemented by other effective and concrete actions as part of the establishment of a coherent, homogeneous and efficient communication and information policy at the service of the national community. It is a question of building a reliable and credible communication system which must meet the challenges of the current phase and the ambitions of the new Algeria. The success of this reform will undoubtedly have positive spillover effects on other reforms undertaken and will create a necessary ripple effect for the whole process. It must be said that the opening of this important project is now a reality thanks to the commitment and determination of the highest authorities in the country. This policy will clean up the sector, reform it and modernize it is reiterated by state officials.

The spokesperson for the presidential republic department is one among the different government institutions using a corporate communication, thanks to the fluidity of information established by the Presidency of the Republic through almost daily press releases to keep public opinion informed of all developments. An element which proves and confirms this new direction of institutional communication and which reflects the new political vision of transparency in the information sector. And to explain in the same register these actions are "the beginnings of a new mode of governance based on transparency, efficiency and direct communication with the citizen". A strategy that completely breaks with the previous management of this sector (Chat, 2021: 168).

3. The Field study, Methods, Results and Discussion

3.1. Operational Definition of study concepts 

This study introduces a set of key concepts against which the process of collecting, analysing and discussing the results would be juxtaposed, for that we should determine the conceptualization of each concept in due to achieve the suitable understanding for the informants and readers in one hand, then to peek up the different indexes which help us to establish our research questions in another hand. Therefore, the first centric concept is AI applications, which means the different technics to enable computers to mimic human intelligence and behaviour. It contains lot of application such us expert systems, intelligent agent, neural network, and five-generation computer which can be used to help employees to enhance corporate communication inside Algerian ministry of foreign affairs. Then how we could benefit from using AI applications in the field of corporate communication, especially in corporate identity side of Algerian ministry of foreign affairs. we can define the corporate communication as corporate communication is the management of identity, image and reputation through research that allows identification of shared values, attributes, differentiators, and competitive advantages, it comprises the strategic management of communication tools such as IA technics (machine learning, chatbots…etc.) That contribute to public awareness and the construction of a links with stakeholders, thereby contributing to the achievement of stated objectives.

3.2. Data collection and Methods

To achieve the goal of our study, we have conducted a quantitative and qualitative survey at the Algerian Ministry of foreign affairs, on September 2020, by means of interviewing as a self-report method.1 Through which we focused on the elements that determine the use of AI at the Directorate-General at the first, then on the impact of AI on corporate communication inside ministry at the second stage.

We have prepared 15 interviews to be distributed, but only 10 copies submitted, 7 retained, and 3 dismissed. The research population concerned the Directorate-General executives for Algeria Telecommunication (10 executive employees) who are requested to answer the following question:

«What are the elements that determine the use of AI at the Directorate-General for Algeria Telecommunication? ».

When giving the answers, the informants had to answer a table of two columns: the component(s) of corporate communication that can be impacted by using the AI technics, from a suggested list.

The aim of the submitted interviews is to triangulate the real level and ways of using AI technics among the exclusives in the corporate communication field, who are considered as intellectuals and supposed to have studied, at the university and so they use computer and internet in their daily working inside the Directorate-General for Algeria Telecommunication.

3.3. Data analysis and interpretation of results 

As previously stated, ten interviews were conducted for this study to investigate the true level of exclusive AI technology use, as well as the impact of such use(s) on corporate communication. Such "collected data" analysis and interpretation are allowed to speak for themselves. (Sylvain & Ginette, 2002).

3.3.1. The elements that determine the use of AI at Directorate-General for Algeria Telecommunication 

Table1: The Right definition of AI application given by informants

Right definition of AI application

Rate of informants

Computer vision

27.27 %


9.09 %

Machine learning

27.27 %

Deep learning

00 %


36.36 %

Most of the informants define AI as chatbots, that is to say IA is using chatbots in our digital communication with each other such as digital corporate communication, which comes in the first position by round 37 %. Followed by the second definition, which is that AI means to use computer vision and machine learning in different aspect and fields, represented by 27.27 %.

The executive employees rarely have arrived to understand the relationship between AI and NLP, which is represented by 9 %, although the NLP is the branch of AI that enables computers to understand, interpret, and manipulate human language.

The survey showed that the less level of using AI by the executive employees at Directorate-General for Algeria telecommunication impact on the employee’s knowledge about the meaning of AI term. For that, they do not arrive to determine the accurate meaning of AI.

Table2: The AI application used by informants

AI application

Rate of informants

Expert systems

00 %

Intelligent agent

00 %

Neural network

50 %

Five-generation computer

50 %

The most application used by the executive employees had been retained in accordance with informant’s rate answers, as shown in table 2. Natural network and five-generation computer are the only application used by the half of informants represented by 50 %. Because the ANN are powerful tools in computer science and artificial intelligence, allowing us to classify and cluster data at a high velocity. Tasks in speech recognition or image recognition can take minutes versus hours when compared to the manual identification by human experts. One of the most well-known neural networks is Google’s search algorithm. And the informant gets used of the fifth-generation computer which is based on artificial intelligence. The aim of the fifth generation is to make a device which could respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization, Such as laptop. we think that this situation deals with the lack of awareness of the meaningful and importance of AI technics in improving the activities of corporate communication among companies. «Which this set of AI-supported activities includes digital advertising buys (called programmatic buying), website operation and optimization, search engine optimization, A/B testing, outbound e-mail and corporation web site. » (Jim Sterne, 2017).

The Directorate-General for Algeria Telecommunication doesn’t give much important to the IA applications in their communication activities both for internal or external one. Although the character of that company with deal with the field of telephone cell, internet and all communication aspect, but rather than investing in IA application services to enhance its products, it doesn’t pay more attention to the great revolution of IA technics in the world of communication and marketing.

3.3.2. The impact of AI on corporate communication inside Algeria Telecommunication 

Table3: The impact of AI on corporate communication according to informants





Report on insights gets up to a minute in real time and give you trend assessments.

12.30 %

13.33 %


Virtual and reality applications deliver news to your public, targeting those for whom the news is meant.

12.30 %

13.33 %


Designing templates for messages or brochures, template that touch the soul of those who read them. A more captivated audience is guaranteed.

13.84 %

6.66 %


Algerian Telecommunication with an online presence uses AI chatbots to serve their customers.

12.30 %

13.33 %


AI can help to develop “smart” logos, websites, colour palettes, and other graphic design for Algerian Telecommunication.

10.76 %

20 %


AI can uncover deep insights into customer desire on a group and individual level. This information can be used to personalize their experience on the Algerian Telecommunication website.

12.30 %

13.33 %


AI can predict future customer behaviour based on their past actions on the Algerian telecommunication website.

12.30 %

13.33 %


AI can use data from different inter-business communication channels and targeted surveys to analyse the current corporate culture of Algerian Telecommunication that exists.

13.84 %

6.66 %

Most of the informants agree with the item 3 and 8, moreover they believe that AI technics affect and enhance both of the corporate identity of Algerian Telecommunication, and its business action especially the CRM, but in the same time most of informant disagree about the important effect of AI technics on improving visual corporate identity of Algerian Telecommunication.

The items 1,2,4 and 6 was approved in the second class by the half of informants which means that AI application are helpful for the efficiency of Algerian Telecommunication performance, especially to deliver the best service in quick time to customers, But the second half disagree with this certified report. Although in corporate communication AI will be able to send direct, relevant messages to specific audiences. Real-time big data offer to practitioners the information they need to provide current content that consumers want to see.

For that reason, Algerian Telecommunication and all Companies should not fear big data and AI applications, they should instead embrace the trend and experiment with new stories that match big data analysis and messages to the audience.” Meaning that artificial intelligence is a tool for corporate communication practitioners, not a threat. Using artificial intelligence in the corporate communication industry will mean faster, optimized results that will in turn allow practitioners to meet their goals faster than ever.


Artificial intelligence is a constantly evolving tool that can assist communicators in many of their day-to-day tasks, allowing them to devote more time and energy to more creative tasks. Practitioners should be open to incorporating artificial intelligence into their practices because it has numerous benefits for efficiency and productivity. "Yes, we should be careful about how we deploy AI," Kaplan said. Instead, we should recognize these amazing inventions for what they are: powerful tools that promise a more prosperous and comfortable future." Many economic institutions, including Algeria Telecom, are still lagging in their adoption of artificial intelligence systems, particularly expert systems. Based on this finding, we conclude with a set of recommendations to encourage the use of artificial intelligence and expert systems in Algerian economic institutions:

  • Stimulating the adoption of all kinds of expert systems for the functions of economic institutions without exception, and even the processes related to making and supporting strategic decisions.

  • Attempting to activate partnership contracts with experts in the field of expert systems to benefit from their research in addressing the problems of economic institutions, and in improving the level of workers in order to enable them to manage these systems well and prepare them to keep pace with developments in the world of artificial intelligence.

  • Trying to benefit from the experiences of leading countries in the fields of artificial intelligence applications in general and expert systems in particular.

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Buhmann, A., & White, C. L. (2022). Artificial intelligence in public relations: role and implications. In The Emerald Handbook of Computer-Mediated Communication and social media (pp. 625-638). Emerald Publishing Limited.

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Interview with Pr. Abdelkader chaabani, on march 16 th, 2020, information and communication faculty, University of Alger’s3.

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Figure 01: Corporate identity management triangle

Figure 01: Corporate identity management triangle

Djamila Ouchene

L'université Akli Mohand Oulhadj - Bouira

Karim Belkaci

Université Alger 3 - Ibrahim Sultan CheiboutEn

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